Chiropractic and Physiotherapy

A monthly podcast helping you to lead a happier and healthier lifestyle. Looking for a Scottsdale Chiropractor? Visit us online at

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Importance of Flexibility as We Age


We can maintain our flexibility and range of motion as we age by exercising and stretching on a daily basis. Keeping our bodies active will prevent loss of function and reduce stiffness in our joints.

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Back Pain: Causes and Treatments


There are different types of pain that people experience in their back. A chiropractor will provide a thorough examination and take X-rays to discover the source of the pain and provide treatment to help achieve lasting pain relief. 

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Golf Fitness - Improve Performance and Avoid Injury


Chiropractors can help golfers improve their game and avoid injury with chiropractic adjustments, exercises and cold light laser therapy.

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There are many signs that someone might have scoliosis including one shoulder or hip is higher than the other. While people may be able to function normally, a chiropractor should examine the spine to determine if the scoliosis needs to be stopped.

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Neuropathy is caused by damage to the nerves and the results can be feelings of numbness, tingling and pain in the extremities like the hands and feet. Improving your diet, exercising and taking nutritional supplements are ways to help neuropathy.

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Degenerative Disc Disease


Degnerative disc disease is a condition where the discs in the spine lose flexibility and become thinner and dehydrated causing back pain, stiffness and soreness. Chiropractic care realigns the discs to restore blood supply and proper function.

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Chiropractic for Athletes


Chiropractors can help improve sports performance and help prevent sports injuries by removing misalignments in the spine. A healthy spine provides the foundation for proper body function including good posture and coordination.

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My Journey to Chiropractic and Our Practice Philosophy


Dr. Chris Serafini describes his journey to becoming a chiropractor which started with his athletic career and desire to work with the body. Dr. Serafini's chiropractic practice takes a holistic approach to individualized patient care.

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Text Neck


Looking down at a mobile device for too long and too often causes neck pain and poor posture resulting in text neck. People of all ages are susceptible to this painful condition and need to learn proper techniques for holding handheld devices.

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The Importance of Good Posture


Maintaining good posture is extremely important for long term health and wellness. Learn and practice the correct way to stand up straight, sit correctly and hold electronic devices with proper posture.

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Filetype: MP3 - Size: 6.27MB

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