Balance the physical, mental, emotional, and lifestyle factors that define healthy living.

Dr. John P. Salerno is an international pioneer in the practice of complementary medicine. Among many other accomplishments, he is well-known for his vitamin IV suites, vitamin IV suites, weight-loss treatments, and chelation therapy, a therapy that removes heavy metals from the body. The Salerno Center for Complementary Medicine in New York City combines the wisdom of alternative healing with the teachings of traditional medicine, helping patients to live healthier and happier lives.

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Prostate Cancer: Prevention & Treatment


Prostate cancer symptoms include difficulty urinating and blood in the urine and should not be ignored. Early diagnosis and treatment with both natural and traditional remedies is life saving.

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IV Therapy for Autoimmune Disorders


IV therapy uses an IV to direct vitamins and nutrients into the bloodstream, bypassing the liver, to directly reach the targeted organs. Autoimmune disorders such as arthritis and thyroid disorders are among the many conditions IV therapy can help.

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What is MTHFR? How do we test for it? What you should do if you test positive.


MTHFR is a genetic test that measures methylation to determine how well someone can detox. Smptoms can include depression and anxiety and if someone tests positive, vitamins and supplements can be prescribed.

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Testosterone and its Anti-Aging Benefits


Optimizing hormone levels such as testosterone, can slow the aging process. Herbal supplements can be taken to enhance testosterone production and bioidentical testosterone is available as a hormone replacement.

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