Dr. Bleiweiss graduated from Boston University and New York University School of Medicine and he has been treating patients seeking relief from chronic and acute pain and injuries for over 30 years through minimally invasive yet very effective procedures. His expert diagnostic skills, advanced testing methods and solid clinical judgement consistently result in patient satisfaction with dramatic results.
Taking a thorough medical history of a patient and asking specific questions about their condition helps to pinpoint the source of their pain so it can be treated properly. Dr. Bleiweiss reviews each test, exam, and X-ray to determine the best treatment.
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Oxygen ozone injection therapy is often described by many as “a miracle treatment.” Most patients seek this treatment as a last resort so when they experience remarkable improvement after one treatment, they categorize oxygen ozone therapy as a miracle.
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Medical oxygen ozone has very powerful healing effects. It is used to treat disc herniations, arthritis in the joints, fibromyalgia, and many other painful conditions but it also provides other health benefits such as improved oxygen delivery to tissues.
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Oxygen ozone injection therapy is a successful treatment method for restoring joint funtion to shoulders, elbows, hips, knees and ankles. The quick procedure involves no downtime, is non-invasive and the results can be felt within one day to two weeks.
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Oxygen ozone injection therapy is an outpatient procedure where medical oxygen ozone is injected into spinal discs to increase blood flow and oxygen delivery to the tissues to stimulate new cell growth and help heal disc degeneration and herniated discs.
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Oxygen Ozone Injection Therapy is a safe and effective treatment for acute and chronic muscle pain and injuries including sports injuries and chronic muscle tension. Oxygen ozone injection therapy works by deactivating the trigger zone in the muscles.
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A safe and effective alternative to surgery for joint injuries is oxygen ozone injection therapy where ozone and oxygen is injected into the joint using a small needle. Shoulder conditions and arthritis are common joint conditions that can benefit with lo
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Oxygen Ozone Disc Injection Therapy is a safe alternative to disc herniation surgery because it shrinks the disc and takes pressure off the nerve, alleviating pain without any damage to the disc or any of the risks of surgery.
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