Live Your Life Without Limits

All natural healing and wellness tips from Dr Gregg Rubinstein of 57th Street Chiropractic.

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Chiropractic Care for Fibromyalgia


Chiropractic care can help relieve pressure off the nerves of the spine allowing the nerve transmissions to flow freely. When there is less interference with the nervous system, the body can function better with less inflammation and sensitivity to pain.

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C-Sections and Their Impact on Infants


Infants born by c-section are more likely to be born premature, have problems with their lungs and become more susceptible to illness than if they were born naturally.

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Avoiding Backpack Pain - Advice for Returning Students


There are basic guidelines to follow when wearing a backpack including the shape, size and weight. Carrying a backpack on one shoulder or one that is too heavy can cause damage to the spine and back pain in young students.

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Chiropractic for Post-Delivery


Chiropractic care helps new mothers get their body back to normal and maintain a healthy nervous system that will allow them to handle all the activity and stress of motherhood.

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In-Utero Constraint Solutions


By working with the mom to relax the ligaments and adjust the pelvis, chiropractic can help relieve in-utero constraint during pregnancy.

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Webster Technique Certified


The Webster Technique is a safe and effective chiropractic technique performed on pregnant women during all stages of pregnancy to reduce intrauterine constraint and allow the baby to get into the best possible position for birth.

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Bulging Discs


Bulging discs are painful and can be caused by misalignments of the spine, wear and tear, and trauma. Chiropractic adjustments can realign the spine and alleviate the pressure on the disc.

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Prenatal Checks


Chiropractic care during pregnancy will help the baby develop in a stress-free environment. It can also help pregnant women prepare for birth by aligning the pelvic girdle to allow for a healthy, natural delivery.

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Inflammation in the Joints


Joint inflammation is caused by poor alignment and overuse of the joints. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of inflammation in the spine. Chiropractors adjust the joints and realign them back to their normal, healthy position.

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Sciatia is pain from the Sciatic nerve that starts in the lower back travels down the leg. There are three basic causes of sciatica with different treatments and exercises to help people suffering from it.

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